Thursday, August 9, 2012

Tennessee Democratic Party Has Failed The People (Again)

Once again the Tennessee Democratic Party has failed to present the voters of Tennessee with a clear, progressive alternative to the Republican candidate for Senate. In 2006 I ran a write-in campaign against Harold Ford Jr. who ran a conservative campaign against Bob Corker. Despite Harold Ford Jr's pandering to right-wing anti-gay bigots in Tennessee, he still lost. Everyone knew HFJ was a fake. And that is the problem, the Tennessee Democratic Party too often presents voters in TN with FAKE candidates and FAKE choices. 

It is time for a CHANGE. We need to stand up and FIGHT the Republican Tea Party's radical agenda. Too bad the TNDP couldn't find any strong candidate willing to take on Bob Corker, because Corker supports the radical GOP plan to gut Medicare, Social Security and the safety need for millions of people, while giving big tax cuts to the corporate rich. There is a class war, and the TNDP is unwilling or unable to fight that war...

Tennessee Democratic Party Disavows Senate Nominee

Rachel Maddow: Tennessee's "Orphan State" Problem

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