Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney/Ryan Declare War on American Working Class

The GOP has declared war on FDR, the New Deal, Social Security, Medicare, the poor, the elderly, and the working class,  The Romney/Ryan budget plan will decimate what is left of the greatest achievements of Democratic Party liberalism: Social Security and Medicare.  Obama and the Democrats have been handed an opportunity to reclaim the legacy of FDR, I hope and pray they don't blow it!

The Romney/Ryan budget proposals call for massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, education, health, environment, infrastructure.. every program that is essential to building the American economy and provide for the general welfare of the people, while CUTTING taxes for the corporate rich.

The Romney-Ryan Plan to END Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
For more see: Romney Picks Ryan

The central question in this election should be WHO should pay for the Reagan-Bush deficits ran up over 30 years of supply-side "trickle-down" economics, and unpaid wars and massive military spending?  My answer is that we must reverse the policies that CAUSED the national debt--repeal the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, and CUT military spending.

Social Security has not contributed ONE DIME to the U.S. debt.  Social Security has a trust fund with a surplus of nearly $300 trillion.  We should not cut Social Security, we should expand it, and RAISE the cap on Social Security taxes on incomes above $107,000.

Medicare spending will skyrocket if healthcare costs continue to climb, largely because of a medical-industrial complex that maximized profit at the expense of public health, and the growing population of senior citizens who will need health care.  The answer to Medicare's problems is NOT to turn it over to private insurance companies and CUT benefits to senior citizens.  We should NOT balance the budget or reduce the debt on the backs of senior citizens, current or future!

President Obama and the Democrats MUST defend the bedrock of FDR's New Deal (Social Security) and LBJ's Great Society, or loose what little credibility they have left as the party of the working class.

The People of Tennessee need to know that the GOP Candidate for the U.S. Senate, Bob Corker, SUPPORTS the Romney/Ryan plan to CUT Medicare and Social Security.  Unfortunately the Tennessee Democratic Party failed to present a viable candidate to take on Bob Corker and the Republican war on working class people.

I'm offering my name as a write-in candidate for U.S. Senate.  I will not win.  The corporate funded political system has guaranteed the re-election of Bob Corker to the U.S. Senate.  But we can get our message out, we can challenge the Corker/Romney/Ryan attacks on working class people in Tennessee and present a progressive alternative, and a vision for what we must FIGHT for to save the future of our country, our democratic system, and our working class grand parents, parents and children.

Thanks for your support and don't forget to WRITE-IN JIM MAYNARD FOR U.S. SENATE!
(Paperwork has been filed with the Tennessee Election Commission to guarantee that Your write-in vote for me WILL be counted.)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Deficit-Reduction Package That Lacks Significant Revenues Would Shift Very Substantial Costs To States And Localities

Deficit-Reduction Package That Lacks Significant Revenues Would Shift Very Substantial Costs To States And Localities — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The Romney/Ryan Budget would CUT  discretionary state and local Aid  by 22% in 2014, Tennessee aid would be but by $447 million.  Estimated Cuts of 20.6 % to these grants from 2013 - 2021 would be over $4 BILLION

Bob Corker Supports this plan
I do not

Ryan Medicaid Block Grant Would Cut Medicaid by One-Third by 2022 and More After That — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Ryan Medicaid Block Grant Would Cut Medicaid by One-Third by 2022 and More After That — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Tennessee Democratic Party Has Failed The People (Again)

Once again the Tennessee Democratic Party has failed to present the voters of Tennessee with a clear, progressive alternative to the Republican candidate for Senate. In 2006 I ran a write-in campaign against Harold Ford Jr. who ran a conservative campaign against Bob Corker. Despite Harold Ford Jr's pandering to right-wing anti-gay bigots in Tennessee, he still lost. Everyone knew HFJ was a fake. And that is the problem, the Tennessee Democratic Party too often presents voters in TN with FAKE candidates and FAKE choices. 

It is time for a CHANGE. We need to stand up and FIGHT the Republican Tea Party's radical agenda. Too bad the TNDP couldn't find any strong candidate willing to take on Bob Corker, because Corker supports the radical GOP plan to gut Medicare, Social Security and the safety need for millions of people, while giving big tax cuts to the corporate rich. There is a class war, and the TNDP is unwilling or unable to fight that war...

Tennessee Democratic Party Disavows Senate Nominee

Rachel Maddow: Tennessee's "Orphan State" Problem

With Corker and Clayton out of the Question, Write in Jim Maynard for Senate in TN

With Corker and Clayton out of the Question, Write in Jim Maynard for Senate in TN | Irregular Times

Write-In Jim Maynard for Senate (Tennessee)

Since the TN Democratic Party has basically forfeited the 2012 U.S. Senate to Republican Bob Corker, I'm offering my name as a write-in candidate to those who want their write in vote counted. (Paperwork is being filed with the TN Election Commission to make the write-in votes count.)

 I'm a 48 year old gay, humanist, democratic socialist activist in Memphis, Tennessee. I've been fighting for economic and social justice, LGBT equality, separation of church and state my whole adult life. In 2004 and 2006, I ran a write-in campaign against Harold Ford Jr., who betrayed the Tennessee LGBT community and progressives, and ran for Congress as a right-wing Democrat, opposing LGBT civil rights and siding with Republicans on many issues.

 I have no illusion of winning this election. Neither does the Tennessee Democratic Party, which could not find and support a viable candidate to oppose Republican Bob Corker, and allowed an unknown anti-gay right-wing nut to "win" the primary. The TNDP has urged everyone to write-in a "candidate of your choice," I offer my name if you want to stand up to the right-wing Tea Party Agenda of Bob Corker and the Republican Party, and if you want your write-in vote to be counted.

Jim Maynard Write-In Candidate for U.S. Senate 2012